Produced And Manufactured In The United States!

Most pharmacists agree that Guai-Aid/600 Capsules are effective for a minimum of 4 to 6 hours between dosages! We are excited to report that many more of our customers are constantly telling us that they only need to take Guai-Aid/600 twice a day to have the same benefits as their old brand! Talk to your doctor or pharmacist and find out how Guai-Aid/600 can work for you.

Why Wait To Feel Better? Feel Better Now With

Taking Guai-Aid/600 will help clear up your congestion really fast. It helps to thin out and loosen congested mucus and bronchial secretions, making it much easier to breathe and expectorate. Your cough will be more productive and you will feel better fast. Guai-Aid/600 can also be taken on a daily basis to prevent unwanted congestion, especially during the cough, cold and allergy season. You will also find comfort knowing that Guai-Aid/600 does not interact with other medications and is safe for those suffering from chemical sensitivities and who may have sugar restrictions.

Why Is It So Important To Control Mucus?

We all need to expectorate the act of coughing and spitting up Sputum from the respiratory track. Sputum is one of the more common materials we produce which carry impurities, foreign matter and a host of airborne particles trapped by the protective layers of mucus. Our mucus layer actually helps protect our bodies from these foreign particles and materials. Mucus also lines our nasal passages and works with our cilia (microscopic hair like filters) to trap and remove the impurities that we breathe in every day. Before we actually reach for a facial tissue, our natural defenses including mucus, protect us from from all of these airborne invaders so that we can go on breathing and feeling well.

So Why Control Mucus?

Have you ever experienced a bad cold or an acute bronchial chest infection, or just stayed in a smoke filled room to long? And suddenly your lungs and sinuses seem to become irritated and you just cant seem to clear the congestion out of your chest. You may be experiencing the initial signs of congestion. These tracheobronchial type secretions become more active and start to get the better of you when you least expect it. You try to cough and blow your nose with a tissue, but these secretions are just not going away. This build up of mucus and phlegm and other types of materials that makes us cough, wheeze and sneeze is called congestion, and we need to control it from getting worse.

A Few Good Reasons To Choose Guai-Aid/600

Guai-Aid/600 OTC capsules and Caplets are U.S. made and do not require a doctors prescription

Contains only Pharmacy Grade Ultra-Pure Guaifenesin as the active ingredient

They are sugar-free, dye-free, and free of botanical extracts (salicylates), especially well suited for the chemically sensitive and for those with sugar restrictions

Effectively helps clear mucus from obstructive sinus, nasal and bronchial passageways

Helps prevent common sinus and bronchial infections caused by mucus congestion

Works quickly and makes coughs more productive without having to taste unpleasant syrups

Guai-Aid/600 are available in Easy-to-Swallow Capsules and Caplets